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The Big Butterfly Count is a UK-wide survey that helps assess the health of our environment, and you can help simply by counting the amount and type of butterflies (and some day-flying moths) you see. Information on how to take part, including a downloadable identification guide, can be found HERE .
Butterfly counts are welcome from anywhere: from parks, school grounds, allotments or other green spaces, so you don't need a garden to take part. Over 30 species of butterfly have been recorded in Camden, but there are still gaps in our knowledge, and many of our parks only have one or two records. The more we know about where they are the more we can help them. A list of Camden's main Parks can be found HERE .
This time of year has been chosen for the Big Butterfly Count because most butterflies are at the adult stage of their lifecycle, so more likely to be seen, but after this weekend you can still watch and record butterflies - you can even continue to use the identification sheet provided for the Count. You can submit records of what you see to Greenspace Information for Greater London or using an website or App like iRecord .
If you've not tried to identify butterflies before don't get frustrated if they won't sit still and you're struggling to tell them apart - just remember to enjoy yourself.
It's going to be really hot this weekend, so remember to put on suncream and wear a hat. Butterflies don't like it when it's too hot either, so avoiding the hottest part of the day this weekend is probably a good idea!
Happy butterfly watching - and if you come up with any ideas or thoughts while counting butterflies don't forget to add them to the Camden Biodiversity Map!
Posted on 6th August 2020
by Greg Hitchcock